دانلود Malware Ebook Collection مجموعه کتاب آشنایی با نرم افزارهای مخرب

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دانلود Malware Ebook Collection - مجموعه کتاب آشنایی با نرم افزارهای مخرب,
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Ebook List:
64-bit rugrats
A bit of viral protection is worth a megabyte of cure
A Bypass of Cohen's Impossibility Result
A Classification of Viruses through Recursion Theorems
A Comprehensive Program for Preventing and Detecting Computer Viruses Is Needed
A Computational Model of Computer Virus Propagation
A Computer Virus Is A Thought Manifested
A Cooperative Immunization System for an Untrusting Internet
A Critical Look at the Regulation of Computer Viruses
A Distributed Approach against Computer Viruses Inspired by the Immune System
A Dozen Dangerous Myths About Computer Viruses
A Failure to Learn from the Past
A Fast Static Analysis Approach To Detect Exploit Code Inside Network Flows
A fault tolerance approach to computer viruses
A Feature Selection and Evaluation Scheme for Computer Virus Detection
A Filter That Prevents the Spread of Mail-Attachment-Type Trojan Horse Computer Worms
A Formal Definition of Computer Worms and Some Related Results
A Framework for Deception
A framework for modelling trojans and computer virus infection
A Framework to Detect Novel Computer Viruses via System Calls
A general definition of malware
A Generic Virus Detection Agent on the Internet
A Generic Virus Scanner in C++
A History Of Computer Viruses - Introduction
A History Of Computer Viruses - The Famous `Trio'
A History Of Computer Viruses_ Three Special Viruses
A Hybrid Model to Detect Malicious Executables
A Hygiene Lesson
A Mathematical Theory for the Spread of Computer Viruses
A Memory Symptom-based Virus Detection Approach
A Method for Detecting Obfuscated Calls in Malicious Binaries
A method to detect metamorphic computer viruses
A Methodology to Detect and Characterize Kernel Level Rootkit Exploits Involving Redirection of the System Call Table
A Mixed Abstraction Level Simulation Model of Large-Scale Internet Worm Infestations
A Model for Detecting the Existence of Unknown Computer Viruses in Real-Time
A Network Worm Vaccine Architecture
A note on Cohen's formal model for computer viruses
A Pact with the Devil
A parallel _String Matching Engine_ for use in high speed network intrusion detection systems
A pilot study on college student's attitudes toward computer virus
A Plague of Viruses_ Biological, Computer and Marketing
A Potency Relation for Worms and Next-Generation Attack Tools
A Proposed Taxonomy of Software Weapons
A Public Health Approach to Preventing Malware Propagation
A Response to the March 31, 2005 Wall Street Journal Article from Mark Ludwig
A Retrovirus Inspired Algorithm for Virus Detection & Optimization
A Self-reproducing Analogue
A Semantics-Based Approach to Malware Detection
A Sense of 'Danger' for Windows Processes
A Sense of Self for Unix Processes
A Short Visit to the Bot Zoo
A software authentication system for the prevention of computer viruses
A Specter Is Haunting Networks - The Specter of Viruses, Hidden in Horses
A statistical model for undecidable viral detection
A study of anti-virus' response to unknown threats
A Study of Detecting Computer Viruses in Real-Infected Files in the n-gram Representation with Machine Learning Methods
A Study of Malcode-Bearing Documents
A Survey of Cryptologic Issues in Computer Virology
A Taxonomy of Computer Worms
A theoretical model of differential social attributions toward computing technology_ when the metaphor becomes the model
A Theoretical Superworm
A Tour of the Worm
A Trust System Based on Multi Level Virus Detection
A unified prediction of computer virus spread in connected networks
A Virtual Honeypot Framework
A Web-Based Network Worm Simulator
A week is a long time in computer ethics
A Worst-Case Worm
Abstract Detection of Computer Viruses
Abstraction-Based Intrusion Detection In Distributed Environments
Abstracts of Recent Articles and Literature
Accurately Detecting Source Code of Attacks That Increase Privilege
ACPI and SMI handlers_ some limits to trusted computing
Acquisition of Malicious Code Using Active Learning
Adequacy of Checksum Algorithms for Computer Virus Detection
Advanced Code Evolution Techniques and Computer Virus Generator Kits
Advanced fuzzing in the VoIP space
Advanced Metamorphic Techniques in Computer Viruses
Advanced Polymorphic Techniques
Advanced Routing Worm and Its Security Challenges
AGIS_ Towards Automatic Generation of Infection Signatures
Algebraic Specification of Computer Viruses and Their Environments
An Abstract Theory of Computer Viruses
An Analysis of How Antivirus Methodologies Are Utilized in Protecting Computers from Malicious Code
An Approach to Containing Computer Viruses
An Approach towards Disassembly of Malicious Binary Executables
An Architecture for Generating Semantic-Aware Signatures
An Effective Architecture and Algorithm for Detecting Worms with Various Scan Techniques
An Efficient Control of Virus Propagation
An Email Worm Vaccine Architecture
An Epidemic Model of Mobile Phone Virus
An epidemiological model of virus spread and cleanup
An Epidemiological View of Worms and Viruses
An Evaluation of Two Host Based Intrusion Prevention Systems
An Internet-Worm Early Warning System
An Introduction to Computer Viruses
An Introduction to Intrusion-Detection Systems
An OS Independent Heuristics-based Worm-containment System
An Overview of Computer Viruses in a Research Environment
An Overview of Unix Rootkits
An Undetectable Computer Virus
Analysis and Detection of Computer Viruses and Worms
Analysis and detection of metamorphic computer viruses
Analysis of a scanning model of worm propagation
Analysis of rxbot
Analysis of Virus Algorithms
Analysis of Web Application Worms and Viruses
Analyzing Worms and Network Traffic using Compression
Anatomy of a Semantic Virus
Ani-hilate this week
Anomalous Payload-based Network Intrusion Detection
Anomalous Payload-based Worm Detection and Signature Generation
Anonymous and Malicious
Anti-Disassembly using Cryptographic Hash Functions
Anti-Forensics_ The Rootkit Connection
Anti-Malware Tools_ Intrusion Detection Systems
Anti-Spyware Coalition Definitions and Supporting Documents
Anti-Virus in the Corporate Arena
Anti-Virus Product Evaluation in the Real World
Antivirus Software Testing for the New Millenium
Antivirus update reaction times of major antivirus vendors
API Win32 ancestrales pour Chevaux de Troie hyper furtifs
Application of Data Mining based Malicious Code Detection Techniques for Detecting new Spyware
Application of Hardware Accelerated Extensible Network Nodes for Internet Worm and Virus Protection
Applications of Genetic Algorithms to Malware Detection and Creation
Applications of Immune System Computing
Approaches to Integrated Malware Detection and Avoidance
Approaching Zero - The Extraordinary Underworld of Hackers, Phreakers, Virus Writers, And Keyboard Criminals
Architecture of a morphological malware detector v2
Architecture of a Morphological Malware Detector
Are Computer Hacker Break-ins Ethical_
Are computer viruses spread by the media_
Are current antivirus programs able to detect complex metamorphic malware_ An empirical evaluation
Are Evolutionary Rule Learning Algorithms Appropriate for Malware Detection_
Are Handheld Viruses a Significant Threat_
Are Metamorphic Viruses Really Invincible_
Are the Current Computer Crime Laws Sufficient or Should the Writing of Virus Code Be Prohibited_
Artificial Immune System against Viral Attack
Artificial Immune Systems and the Grand Challenge for Non-Classical Computation
ARTIST_ A Network for ARTifical Immune SysTems
As Japanese Bring Work Home, Virus Hitches a Ride
ASM-based Modelling of Self-Replicating Programs
Attack of the Clones
Attack of the killer virus!
Attack of the quantum worms
Attitude Adjustment_ Trojans and Malware on the Internet
Auto-Sign_ an automatic signature generator for high-speed malware filtering devices
Autoimmune computer virus
Autoimmune viruses
Automated Classification and Analysis of Internet Malware
Automated Defense from Rootkit Attacks
Automated Malware Invariant Generation
Automated Web Patrol with Strider HoneyMonkeys_ Finding Web Sites That Exploit Browser Vulnerabilities
Automated Worm Fingerprinting
Automatic binary deobfuscation
Automatic Extraction of Computer Virus Signatures
Automatic Reverse Engineering of Malware Emulators
Automatic Static Unpacking of Malware Binaries
Avoiding Windows Rootkit Detection
Backdoors et rootkits avanc_رs [SLIDES]
Bad Transfer
Becoming Positive
Benefits and Considerations for a Single-Vendor Antivirus Strategy
Beyond Layers and Peripheral Antivirus Security
Binary Obfuscation Using Signals
Biological Aspects of Computer Virology
Biological Models of Security for Virus Propagation in Computer Networks
Biological versus Computer Viruses
Biologically Inspired Defenses Against Computer Viruses
BIRD_ Binary Interpretation using Runtime Disassembly
Blast off!
Blended attacks exploits, vulnerabilities and buffer-overflow techniques in computer viruses v2
Blended Attacks Exploits, Vulnerabilities and Buffer-Overflow Techniques in Computer Viruses
Blueprint for a Computer Immune System
Bot Software Spreads, Causes New Worries
Botnetsand Applications
Broadband Network Virus Detection System Based on Bypass Monitor
Cabirn fever
Cain and Abul
Callgraph properties of executables
Can cryptography prevent computer viruses_
Can you be held civilly liable for spreading computer viruses_
Can you spare a seg_
Catch Me, If You Can_ Evading Network Signatures with Web-based Polymorphic Worms
Challenges in getting 'formal' with viruses
Challenges Of Modeling BotNets For Military And Security Simulations
Chamber of horrors
Characterization of virus replication
Cheating the ELF Subversive Dynamic Linking to Libraries
Chiba witty blues
Classification and identification of malicious code based on heuristic techniques utilizing Meta languages
Classification of Computer Viruses Using the Theory of Affordances
Classification of Packed Executables for Accurate Computer Virus Detection
Cobra_ Fine-grained Malware Analysis using Stealth Localized-executions
Code mutation techniques by means of formal grammars and automatons
Code obfuscation and virus detection
Code obfuscation techniques for metamorphic viruses
Code Red Worm Propagation Modeling and Analysis
Code-Red_ a case study on the spread and victims of an Internet worm
Collaborative Defense Against Zero-Day and Polymorphic Worms_ Detection, Response and an Evaluation Framework
Combating computer viruses
Combinatorial Optimisation of Worm Propagation on an Unknown Network
Comment on 'A Framework for Modelling Trojans and Computer Virus Infection'
Comments on a paper by Voas, Payne & Cohen_ ظ_£A model for detecting the existence of software corruption in real timeظ_إ
Comparative analysis of various ransomware virii
Comparing Passive and Active Worm Defenses
Computational Aspects of Computer Viruses
COMPUTE!'s computer viruses
Computer _virus_ identification by neural networks
Computer abuse_ vandalizing the information society
Computer doctor busy fighting `viruses'
Computer Immunology(Lau)
Computer Immunology
Computer intrusions and attacks
Computer Malware_ What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
Computer Parasitology
Computer Security Analysis through Decompilation and High-Level Debugging
Computer virus cover withdrawn
Computer Virus Identification and Prevention
Computer virus immunization
Computer Virus Myths
Computer Virus Operation and New Directions-1997
Computer Virus Operation and New Directions
Computer virus prevention a primer
Computer virus prevention and containment on mainframes
Computer Virus Propagation Model Based on Variable Propagation Rate
Computer Virus Propagation Models
Computer Virus Strategies and Detection Methods
Computer Virus Survival Guide
Computer Virus-Antivirus Coevolution
Computer Virus__
Computer Viruses A Global Perspective
Computer viruses (BMJ 296-013)
Computer viruses (BMJ 299-66a)
Computer viruses (BMJ 302-66e)
Computer viruses (BMJ 307-59e)
Computer Viruses - A Form of Artificial Life
Computer viruses - a high-tech desease
Computer Viruses - Legal Options
Computer viruses - the current state in Italy
Computer Viruses - Theory and Experiments
Computer Viruses A Very Real Threat
Computer viruses and electronic mail
Computer Viruses and Ethics
Computer Viruses and Malware
Computer Viruses and Other Malicious Software_ A Threat to the Internet Economy
Computer Viruses and Related Threats
Computer Viruses and the Simulation Environment WiCE
Computer Viruses and Their Control
Computer Viruses and What to Do About Them
Computer Viruses Are Nothing New Don't be ashamed
Computer Viruses as a Threat to Home Users
Computer Viruses as Artificial Life
Computer Viruses By Ingrid Richter
Computer viruses demystified,2
Computer viruses demystified
Computer Viruses for Dummies
Computer Viruses on the Loose
Computer Viruses, Artificial Life and Evolution
Computer Viruses, Epidemiology and Worms v2
Computer Viruses, Epidemiology, and Worms
Computer Viruses_ A Management Perspective
Computer viruses_ a quantitative analysis
Computer Viruses_ Can It Happen At IU_
Computer viruses_ from theory to applications
Computer Viruses_ The Disease, the Detection, and the Prescription for Protection Testimony
Computer Viruses_ the Inevitability of Evolution_
Computer Viruses_ The Technology and Evolution of an Artificial Life Form
Computer Viruses_ The Threat Today and The Expected Future
Computer Worms_ Past, Present, and Future
Computer-Generated Life
Computers and epidemiology
Computers under attacks!
Concepts and Future Trends in Computer Virology
Concepts for the Stealth Windows Rootkit (The Chameleon Project)
Concepts of cooperation in artificial life
Conceptual Frameworks for Artificial Immune Systems
Conflict and the Computer_ Information Warfare and Related Ethical Issues
Consensual Realities in Cyberspace
Console viruses_
Constructing Computer Virus Phylogenies
Constructing Malware Normalizers using Term Rewriting
Contagion and Repetition_ On the Viral Logic of Network Culture
Contagion on the Internet
Contournement d%92une passerelle antivirus
Control Flow Graphs as Malware Signatures
Control Flow to Detect Malware
Controlling Super-Intelligent Machines
Convergence of Virus Writers and Hackers_ Fact or Fantasy_
Cooperative Automated worm Response and Detection ImmuNe ALgorithm(CARDINAL) inspired by T-cell Immunity and Tolerance
Corporate Virus Protection
Countering Kernel Rootkits with Lightweight Hook Protection
Countering Network Worms Through Automatic Patch Generation
Countering NetworkWorms Through Automatic Patch Generation
Covert Distributed Processing with Computer Viruses
Cr__ation d'un _Web Worm_
Creating a Secure Computer Virus Laboratory
Crimea river
Crimeware_ Understanding New Attacks and Defenses
Crisis and Aftermath
Cryptographic Hashing for Virus Localization
Cryptography and Viruses
Cryptography_ all-out attacks or how to attack cryptography without intensive cryptanalysis
Cryptovirology_ Extortion-Based Security Threats and Countermeasures
Danger theory and collaborative filtering in MANETs
Danger! Deadly new computer viruses want to kill your PC
Darwin inside the machines_ Malware evolution and the consequences for computer security
Darwin, a Game of Survival of the Fittest among Programs
Data Mining Methods for Detection of New Malicious Executables
Data security from malicious attack_ Computer Virus
Database Rootkits
DCA for Bot Detection
Deelaed learning
Defeating Kernel Native API Hookers by Direct Service Dispatch Table Restoration
Defeating Polymorphism_ Beyond Emulation
Defending against Hitlist Worms using Network Address Space Randomization
Defending Against Internet Worms_ A Signature-Based Approach
Defending against Viruses and Worms
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Defense and Detection Strategies against Internet Worms
Defense-In-Depth Against Computer Viruses
Des IDS et des vers... D_رtection par l'analyse statistique _ de la th_رorie _ب la pratique _
Design of a neural network for recognition and classification of computer viruses
Design of a System for Real-Time Worm Detection
Design of an Artificial Immune System as a Novel Anomaly Detector for Combating Financial Fraud in the Retail Sector
Detecting and Categorizing Kernel-Level Rootkits to Aid Future Detection
Detecting Early Worm Propagation through Packet Matching
Detecting Internet Worms Using Data Mining Techniques
Detecting Kernel-Level Rootkits Through Binary Analysis
Detecting Malicious Code by Model Checking
Detecting Malicious Network Traffic Using Inverse Distributions of Packet Contents
Detecting Malicious Software by Monitoring Anomalous Windows Registry Accesses
Detecting Metamorphic Computer Viruses using Supercompilation
Detecting Metamorphic viruses by using Arbitrary Length of Control Flow Graphs and Nodes Alignment
Detecting metamorphic viruses using profile hidden markov models
Detecting Network-based Obfuscated Code Injection Attacks Using Sandboxing
Detecting self-mutating malware using control-flow graph matching
Detecting Sources of Computer Viruses in Networks_ Theory and Experiment
Detecting Stealth Software with Strider GhostBuster
Detecting Unknown Computer Viruses
Detecting Unknown Massive Mailing Viruses Using Proactive Methods
Detecting Viral Propagations Using Email Behavior Profiles
Detecting Virus Mutations Via Dynamic Matching
Detecting Windows Server Compromises with Patchfinder 2
Detecting Worms through Cryptographic Hashes
Detecting worms through de-centralized monitoring
Detecting Worms via Mining Dynamic Program Execution
Detection of Injected, Dynamically Generated, and Obfuscated Malicious Code
Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment Third International Conference, DIMVA 2006 Berlin, Germany, July 13-14, 2006 Proceedings
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment 4th International Conference, DIMVA 2007
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment 5th International Conference, DIMVA 2008 Paris, France, July 10-11, 2008 Proceedings
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment 6th International Conference, DIMVA 2009 Como, Italy, July 9-10, 2009 Proceedings
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment Second International Conference, DIMVA 2005 Vienna, Austria, July 7-8, 2005 Proceedings
Detection of Metamorphic and Virtualization-based Malware using Algebraic Specification
Detection of metamorphic computer viruses using algebraic specification
Detection of New Malicious Code Using N-grams Signatures
Detection of Self-Mutating Computer Viruses
Developing a Trojan applets in a smart card
Development of Computer Vulnerability Scanning Scanning Workgroup
Development of inland lakes as hubs in an invasion network
Die Gefahr Von Debug Codes
Digital Postmark Helps Fight Spam, Virus Attacks
Disk-Level Behavioral Malware Detection
Disk-Level Behavioral Virus Detection
Distributed Computing with a Trojan Horse
Distributed Worm Simulation with a Realistic Internet Model
Distributive immunization of networks against viruses using the `honey-pot' architecture
Do the macarena
Do The Media Spread Computer Viruses
Do-It-Yourself Guide to Cell Phone Malware
Doin' the eagle rock
Dynamic analysis of malicious code
Dynamic Binary Instrumentation-based Framework for Malware Defense
Dynamic detection and classi cation of computer viruses using general behaviour patterns
Dynamical Models for Computer Viruses Propagation
E-mail virus protection handbook
Effective and Inexpensive Methods Exist for Controlling Software Viruses
Effectiveness of Quarantine in Worm Epidemics
Effectiveness of Rate Control in Slowing Down Worm Epidemics
Efficiency of Trusted Platform Module Against Computer Attacks
Efficient Content-Based Detection of Zero-Day Worms
Efficient quarantining of scanning worms_ optimal detection and coordination
Efficient Static Analysis of Executables For Detecting Malicious Behaviors
Efficient Virus Detection Using Dynamic Instruction Sequences
ELF et virologie informatique
Email networks and the spread of computer viruses
Email Virus Propagation Modeling and Analysis
End-to-end security implementation for mobile devices using TLS protocol
Epidemic dynamics and endemic states in complex networks
Epidemic Profiles and Defense of Scale-Free Networks
Epidemic Spreading in Real Networks_ An Eigenvalue Viewpoint
Epidemics and immunization in scale-free networks
Epidemiological Modelling of Peer-to-Peer Viruses and Pollution
Epidemiological Models Applied to Viruses in Computer Networks
EPOCalypse NOW!
Equational reasoning عéْق¤ذع__ع_ا obfuscated decipher routine ع_«عâّعâرعâةعâ_عé_µج£فç_
Ethereal,_بun_بanalyseur_بr_ر seau_ب_ب usages_بmultiples
Evaluation of malware phylogeny modelling systems using automated variant generation
Evaluation of Two Host-Based Intrusion Prevention Systems
Evolution, Ecology and Optimization of Digital Organisms
Evolvable Malware
Execution Context in Anti-Malware Testing
Experience with Viruses on UNIX Systems
Exploiting an Antivirus Interface
Extended recursion-based formalization of virus mutation
Fast Detection of Scanning Worm Infections
Fast virus detection by using high speed time delay neural networks
Faster parameter detection of polymorphic viral binary code using hot list strategy
Feedback Email Worm Defense System for Enterprise Networks
Fighting Computer Viruses
Fighting EPO Viruses
File system driver filtering against metamorphic viral coding
Fileprint analysis for Malware Detection
Finding Malware on Compromised Windows Machines
First Virus_
Flexible Infections_ Computer Viruses, Human Bodies, Nation-States, Evolutionary Capitalism
Flibi night
Flying below the Radar_ What modern malware tells us
Flying solo
Formal Affordance-based Models of Computer Virus Reproduction
Formal Definition of Self-reproductive Systems
Formal Models of Reproduction_ from Computer Viruses to Artificial Life
Formalisation and implementation aspects of K -ary (malicious) codes
Formalization of viruses and malware through process algebras
FPGA Viruses
Fragmented malware through RFID and its defenses
Free Anti-Virus Tips and Techniques
From AntiVirus to AntiMalware Software and Beyond
From the design of a generic metamorphic engine to a black-box classification of antivirus detection techniques
Functional polymorphic engines_ formalisation, implementation and use cases
Functional similarities between computer worms and biological pathogens
Future Trends in Malicious Code - 2006 Report
Gatt got your tongue_
Generalized Anomaly Detection Model for Windows-based Malicious Program Behavior
Generic Detection and Classification of Polymorphic Malware Using Neural Pattern Recognition
Generic Virus Scanner in C++
Genetic algorithm based Internet worm propagation strategy modeling under pressure of countermeasures
Geometry-based flash worm detection
Got [Mac]root_
Halting viruses in scale-free networks
Harmless and Useful Viruses Can Hardly Exist
Hash-AV_ Fast Virus Signature Scanning by Cache-Resident Filters
Heads or tails
Hidan and dangerous
Hidden Rootkits in Windows
Hide'n'Seek_ Anatomy of Stealth Malware
High-Fidelity Modeling of Computer Network Worms
High-Performance Context-Free Parser for Polymorphic Malware Detection
HIPAA and Information Security Policies
History of Viruses & Worms
Honeypots against Worms 101
HoneyStat_ Local Worm Detection Using Honeypots
Host-Based Detection of Worms through Peer-to-Peer Cooperation
How dumaru_
How the virus _Remote Shell Trojan_ (RST) works
How to assess the effectiveness of your anti-virus_
How to Kill Worms and Viruses with Policy Pontifications
How to Withstand Mobile Virus Attacks 2
How To Withstand Mobile Virus Attacks
How Viruses Spread among Computers and People
Hunting for metamorphic 2
Hunting for metamorphic engines 2
Hunting for Metamorphic Engines
Hunting For Metamorphic
Hunting for undetectable metamorphic viruses
Hunting Obfuscated Malwares by Abstract Interpretation
I love you
I've named my virus - now what do I win_!
I.T. IN PRACTICE_ Computer viruses
Identification of file infecting viruses through detection of self-reference replication
Identifying Malicious Code Through Reverse Engineering
IDS alerts correlation using grammar-based approach
IMAD_ In-Execution Malware Analysis and Detection
Immune System for Virus Detection and Elimination
Immunity-Based Intrusion Detection System_ A General Framework
Immunization and epidemic dynamics in complex networks
Impact of Computer Viruses on Society
Impeding Malware Analysis Using Conditional Code Obfuscation
Impeding worm epidemics through destination address filtering
Implementation of a Computer Immune System for Intrusion- and Virus Detection
Implementing and Detecting an ACPI BIOS Rootkit
Implementing and testing a virus throttle
Implementing Anti-Virus Controls in the Corporate Arena
Implica_دoes da ofusca_دao de c__digo no desenvolvimento de detectores de c__digo malicioso
Implications of Peer-to-Peer Networks on Worm Attacks and Defenses
Imposing Order on Program Statements to Assist Anti-Virus Scanners
Improving Malware Detection by Applying Multi-Inducer Ensemble
Improving virus protection with an efficient secure architecture with memory encryption, integrity and information leakage protection
In-depth analysis of the viral threats with OpenOf#ce.org documents
Incorporating E-Commerce, Internet and Telecommunications Security
Infection dynamics on scale-free networks
Infection dynamics on the Internet
Infection, imitation and a hierarchy of computer viruses
Information Assurance and the Information Society
Information warfare and security
Inoculating SSH Against Address-Harvesting Worms
Inoculation strategies for victims of viruses and the sum-of-squares partition problem
Inside the Slammer Worm
Internet - Virusnet_
Internet computer virus protection policy
Internet Instability and Disturbance_ Goal or Menace_
Internet Quarantine_ Requirements for Containing Self-Propagating Code 2
Internet Quarantine_ Requirements for Containing Self-Propagating Code
Internet Worm and Virus Protection in Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware
Introducing Stealth Malware Taxonomy
Introduction to Network Self-defense_ technical and judicial issues
Intrusion Detection for Viruses and Worms
IPA Computer Virus Survey 2000
IpMorph_ fingerprinting spoofing unification
Iranian Journal Examines Electronic Warfare
Is creating virus software protected as a first amendment right_
Is virus writing really that bad_
Is Your Cat Infected with a Computer Virus_
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Fooperman
It's zell(d)ome the one you expect
JAB, une backdoor pour reseau Win32 inconnu - Presentation SSTIC
JAB, une backdoor pour reseau Win32 inconnu
Killer Apps
Know Your Enemy_ Containing Conficker
Kolmogorov Complexity Estimates For Detection Of Viruses In Biologically Inspired Security Systems
La _mobilit_ر_ du code malveillant
Language, a virus_
Le malware en 2005 %96 Unix, Linux et autres plates-formes
Leaps and Bounds
Learning to Detect and Classify Malicious Executables in the Wild
Learning to Detect Malicious Executables in the Wild
Les virus informatiques_ th_رorie, pratique et applications
Let free(dom) Ring!
Let them eat brioche
Limits of Static Analysis for Malware Detection
Linux Improvised Userland Scheduler Virus
Loathing Lupper in Linux
Look at that escargot
Looking a Bagift-Horse in the Mouth
Macro virus identification problems
Magisterium Abraxas
Making a hash of things
Malicious Codes in Depth
Malicious crypto - (Ab)use cryptology
Malicious crypto
Malicious Cryptography - Exposing Cryptovirology
Malicious Cryptography_ Cryptovirology and Kleptography
Malicious Cryptography_ Kleptographic Aspects
Malicious Data and Computer Security
Malicious origami in PDF
Malicious Software in Mobile Devices
Malicious Software
Malicious Threats to Personal Digital Assistants
Malware analysis for windows administrators
Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD
Malware behaviour analysis
Malware comes of age The arrival of the true computer parasite
Malware Detection Based on Suspicious Behavior Identification
Malware Detection Using Adaptive Data Compression
Malware Detection using Attribute-Automata to parse Abstract Behavioral Descriptions
Malware Detection using Statistical Analysis of Byte-Level File Content
Malware Detection
Malware Forensics Investigating and Analyzing Malicious Code
Malware in Popular Networks
Malware Normalization
Malware pattern scanning schemes secure against black-box analysis
Malware phylogeny generation using permutations of code 2
Malware Phylogeny Generation using Permutations of Code
Malware Research at SMU
Malware, Viruses and Log Visualisation
Malware_ A Future Framework for Device, Network and Service Management
Malware_ Fighting Malicious Code
Malware_ Von Viren, W__rmern, Hackern und Trojanern und wie man sich vor ihnen sch__tzt
Managing Computer Viruses in a Groupware Environment
Marginal Networks The Virus between Complexity and Suppression
Mathematical Model of Computer Viruses
Mathematical models on computer viruses
Mathematical Viruses
MCF_ a malicious code filter
Measurement and Analysis of Worm Propagation on Internet Network Topology
Measuring and Modeling Computer Virus Prevalence
Measuring virtual machine detection in malware using DSD tracer
Mechanics of Self-reproduction
MetaAware_ Identifying Metamorphic Malware
Metamorphic Virus_ Analysis and Detection
Metamorphism, Formal Grammars and Undecidable Code Mutation
Metaphors And Meta-Experiences In Technology Side Effects_ A Multimedia Exhibit
Metaphors and Modern Threats_ Biological, Computer, and Cognitive Viruses
Mimimorphism_ A New Approach to Binary Code Obfuscation
Mind Wars_ Attack of the Memes
Misleading Modern Malware
Mobile Code Threats, Fact or Fiction
Mobile Malware Attacks and Defense
Model for network behaviour under viral attack
Model-Based Analysis of Two Fighting Worms
Modeling Botnet Propagation Using Time Zones
Modeling computer virus prevalence with a susceptible-infected-susceptible model with reintroduction
Modeling Computer Viruses
Modeling Epidemic Spreading in Mobile Environments
Modeling Malware Spreading Dynamics
Modeling the Effects of Timing Parameters on Virus Propagation
Modeling the Spread and Prevention of Malicious Mobile Code Via Simulation
Modeling the Spread of Active Worms
Modeling Virus Propagation in Peer-to-Peer Networks
Modelling Development of Epidemics with Dynamic Small-World Networks
Models of Active Worm Defenses
Modern Methods of Detecting and Eradicating Known and Unknown Viruses
Modern operating systems
Modular worms
Monitoring and Early Warning for Internet Worms
Morality and Technology, or Is it Wrong to Create and Let Loose a Computer Virus
Morphological Detection of Malware
Mostly harmless
MRSI A Fast Pattern Matching Algorithm for Anti-virus Applications
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Worm Effects on the Internet Routing Infrastructure
N-gram analysis for computer virus detection
N-gram-based Detection of New Malicious Code
Nematodes - Beneficial Worms
Network Virus Propagation Model Based on Effects of Removing Time and User Vigilance
Network Worms
Networks, Control, and Life-Forms
New data mining technique to enhance IDS alarms quality
New malware distribution methods threaten signature-based AV
New method of fighting computer viruses announced
New thoughts in ring3 NT rootkit
New threats of Java viruses
Next-Generation Viruses Present New Challenges
Nimda Worm Shows You Can't Always Patch Fast Enough
Non-signature based virus detection
Normalizing Metamorphic Malware Using Term Rewriting
Not Teaching Viruses and Worms Is Harmful
Not worthy
Notes on the _Worms_ programs -- some early experience with a distributed computation
Obfuscated dechiper routine analysis using theorem prover towards effective trusted computing
Old Win32 Code for a Modern Super-stealth Trojan
On abstract computer virology from a recursion theoretic perspective 2
On abstract computer virology from a recursion-theoretic perspective
On behavioral detection
On Callgraphs and Generative Mechanisms
On Computer Viral Infection and the Effect of Immunization
On Deriving Unknown Vulnerabilities from Zero-Day Polymorphic and Metamorphic Worm Exploits
On Effectiveness of Defense Systems against Active Worms
On Instant Messaging Worms, Analysis and Countermeasures [slides]
On JavaScript Malware and related threats
On self-reproducing computer programs
On the definition and classification of cybercrime
On the functional validity of the worm-killing worm
On the Infeasibility of Modeling Polymorphic Shellcode for Signature Detection
On the Performance of Internet Worm Scanning Strategies
On the possibility of practically obfuscating programs
On the Semantics of Self-Unpacking Malware Code
On the Spread of Viruses on the Internet
On the Time Complexity of Computer Viruses
On the trade-off between speed and resiliency of Flash worms and similar malcodes
One-hit models for virus inactivation studies
Opcodes as Predictor for Malware
Open problems in computer virology
Open Problems in Computer Virus Research
Painting the Internet_ A Different Kind of Warhol Worm
Pairwise alignment of metamorphic computer viruses
Panic computing_ The viral metaphor and computer technology
Paradise lost
Parallel analysis of polymorphic viral code using automated deduction system
Parallels Between Biological and Computer Epidemics
Password Cracking_ A Game of Wits
PC Magazine Fighting Spyware Viruses and Malware
PE-Miner_ Mining Structural Information to Detect Malicious Executables in Realtime
Peer-to-Peer Botnets_ Analysis and Detection
Poison Ivy Farmers_ Virus Collections
Polygraph_ Automatically Generating Signatures for Polymorphic Worms
Polymorphic and Metamorphic Malware Detection
Polymorphic virus detection technology
Polymorphic Worm Detection Using Structural Information of Executables
فرمت کتاب: PDF
حجم فایل: 521 مگابایت
تاریخ انتشار: 13:49 - 1393/4/3 | 2014.06.24
منبع: پی سی دانلود / www.p30download.ir
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