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دانلود Ancient Greece Ebook Collection - مجموعه کتاب های یونان باستان,
📘 نام | Ancient Greece Ebook Collection |
📁 دسته بندی | تاریخ |
💾 حجم فایل | 1740.8 مگابایت |
📅 تاریخ به روزرسانی | 1395/12/26 |
📊 تعداد دانلود | 20,318 |
❤️ هزینه دانلود | رایگان و نیم بها |
Ancient Greece Ebook Collection
Ebook List:
Aarhus University Press Aspects of Ancient Greek Cult, Context Ritual and Iconography (2009).pdf
ABC-CLIO The Ancient Greeks, New Perspectives (2004).pdf
Barnes & Noble Inc. Ancient Greece at Work, An Economic History of Greece from the Homeric Period to the Roman Conquest (1965).pdf
Batoche Books The Ancient City, A Study of the Religion Laws and Institutions of Greece and Rome (2001).pdf
Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd. Economic and Social History of Ancient Greece, An Introduction (1977).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Archaic Greece (2009).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds (2011).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography (2 Vols) (2007).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek and Roman Political Thought (2009).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek Religion (2007).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek Rhetoric (2007).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek Tragedy (2005).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language (2010).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Companion to the Classical Greek World (2006).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A Guide to Ancient Greek Drama (2005).pdf
Blackwell Publishing A History of the Classical Greek World 478-323 BC (2006).pdf
Blackwell Publishing Ancient Greek Democracy, Readings and Sources (2004).pdf
Blackwell Publishing Ancient Greek Divination (2008).pdf
Blackwell Publishing Greek Political Thought (2006).pdf
Blackwell Publishing Magic in the Ancient Greek World (2008).pdf
Brill Publishing Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century BC (2003).pdf
Brill Publishing Ancient Alexandria between Egypt and Greece (2004).pdf
Brill Publishing Ancient Greeks West and East (1999) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Brill Publishing Clause Combining in Ancient Greek Narrative Disourse (2005).pdf
Brill Publishing John the Physician's Therapeutics, A Medical Handbook in Vernacular Greek (2009).pdf
Brill Publishing Narrators, Narratees and Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature (2004).pdf
Brill Publishing Not Wholly Free, The Concept of Manumission and the Status of Manumitted Slaves in the Ancient Greek World (2005).pdf
Brill Publishing Orality, Literacy Memory in the Ancient Greek and Roman World (2008).pdf
Brill Publishing Sophrosyne and the Rhetoric of Self-Restraint, Polysemy and Persuasive Use of an Ancient Greek Value Term (2005).pdf
Brill Publishing The Noun Phrase in Ancient Greek (2009).pdf
Brill Publishing The Virgin and Her Lover, Fragments of an Ancient Greek Novel and a Persian Epic Poem (2003).pdf
Brill Publishing Time in Ancient Greek Literature (2007).pdf
Britannica Publishing Ancient Greece (2012).pdf
Cambridge University Press Ancient Epistolary Fictions, The Letter in Greek Literature (2001).pdf
Cambridge University Press Ancient Greek Music, A New Technical History (2010).pdf
Cambridge University Press Ancient Greek Political Thought in Practice (2009).pdf
Cambridge University Press Ancient History Vol. 3 Part 3, The Expansion of the Greek World 8th to 6th Centuries BC 2nd (1982).pdf
Cambridge University Press Ancient History Vol. 4, Persia Greece and the Western Mediterranean 525-479 BC 2nd (1988).pdf
Cambridge University Press Burial and Ancient Society, The Rise of the Greek City-State (1987) (no OCR).pdf
Cambridge University Press Citizen and Self in Ancient Greece, Individuals Performing Justice and the Law (2006).pdf
Cambridge University Press Companion to Ancient Greek Law (2005).pdf
Cambridge University Press Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought (2009).pdf
Cambridge University Press Companion to Archaic Greece (2007).pdf
Cambridge University Press Expressions of Agency in Ancient Greek (2005).pdf
Cambridge University Press Festivals, Feasts and Gender Relations in Ancient China and Greece (2010).pdf
Cambridge University Press House and Society in the Ancient Greek World (1999) (no OCR).pdf
Cambridge University Press Language and Logos, Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen (1982).pdf
Cambridge University Press Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece (1992).pdf
Cambridge University Press Maritime Traders in the Ancient Greek World (2003).pdf
Cambridge University Press Narrative and Identity in the Ancient Greek Novel, Returning Romance (2011).pdf
Cambridge University Press Olympic Victor Lists and Ancient Greek History (2008).pdf
Cambridge University Press Pausania's Greece, Ancient Artists and Roman Rulers (1996).pdf
Cambridge University Press Science Folklore and Ideology, Studies in the Life Sciences in Ancient Greece (1983).pdf
Cambridge University Press Space and Time in Ancient Greek Narrative (2010).pdf
Cambridge University Press The Greeks and the New, Novelty in Ancient Greek Imagination and Experience (2011).pdf
Cambridge University Press The Mechanical Hypothesis in Ancient Greek Natural Philosophy (2009).pdf
Cambridge University Press Unthinking the Greek Polis, Ancient Greek History beyond Eurocentrism (2007).pdf
Cambridge University Press Wandering Poets in Ancient Greek Culture, Travel Locality and Pan-Hellenism (2009).pdf
Cambridge University Press Written Texts and the Rise of Literate Culture in Ancient Greece (2003).pdf
Cassell & Co Publishing The Siren and the Sage, Knowledge and Wisdom in Ancient Greece and China (2000).pdf
Charles Scribner Publishing Ancient Greece and Rome, An Encyclopedia for Students (4 Vols) (1998).pdf
Chatto & Windus Publishing Moral Values and Political Behaviour in Ancient Greece, From Homer to the End of the Fifth Century (1972).pdf
Chelsea House Publishing Empire of Ancient Greece (2009).pdf
Chelsea House Publishing Living in Ancient Greece (2009).pdf
Constable and Company Ltd From the Many to the One, A Study of Personality and Views of Human Nature in the Context of Ancient Greek Society (1970) (no OCR).pdf
Continuum International Publishing Early Greek Thought, Before the Dawn (2011).pdf
Continuum International Publishing Happiness and Greek Ethical Thought (2004).pdf
Cornell University Press The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World, From the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests (1981).pdf
Cornell University Press Tyranny and Political Culture in Ancient Greece (1993) (no OCR).pdf
DK Publishing Eyewitness Ancient Greece 2nd (2007).pdf
Edinburgh University Press Ancient Greece, From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer (2006).pdf
Edinburgh University Press Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome (2006).pdf
Edinburgh University Press Economic Rights of Women in Ancient Greece (1979) (no OCR).pdf
Edinburgh University Press The Gods of Ancient Greece, Identities and Transformations (2010).pdf
Edinburgh University Press Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2000).pdf
Facts On File A to Z of Ancient Greek and Roman Women (2008).pdf
Facts On File Empire of Ancient Greece (2005).pdf
Facts On File Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World (2005).pdf
Facts On File Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece (2005).pdf
Gale Group Arts and Humanities Through the Eras Vol. 2, Ancient Greece and Rome 1200 BCE-476 CE (2005).pdf
Georgetown University Press Introduction to Virtue Ethics, Insights of the Ancient Greeks (2002).pdf
Greenhaven Press Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece (2006).pdf
Greenwood Press Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks 2nd (2009).pdf
Hackett Publishing An Introduction to Ancient Greek, A Literary Approach 2nd (2007).pdf
Hackett Publishing The Verb Be in Ancient Greek (2003).pdf
Harvard University Press Ancient Greek Love Magic (1999).pdf
Harvard University Press Comparative Anthropology of Ancient Greece (2009) (no OCR).pdf
Indiana University Press Ancient Greek Lyrics 4th (2010).pdf
Johns Hopkins University Press Arcana Mundi Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds, A Collection of Ancient Texts 2nd (2006).pdf
Johns Hopkins University Press Barbarian Asia and the Greek Experience, From the Archaic Period to the Age of Xenophon (1994).pdf
Johns Hopkins University Press Birth, Death and Motherhood in Classical Greece (1994) (no OCR).pdf
Johns Hopkins University Press The Hunt in Ancient Greece (2001).pdf
Lexington Books Pyrrhonism, How the Ancient Greeks Reinvented Buddhism (2008).pdf
Marshall Cavendish Publishing Ancient Greece, An Illustrated History (2011).pdf
McGill-Queen's University Press Greek Scepticism, Anti-Realist Trends in Ancient Thought (1990).pdf
MCGraw-Hill Osborne Teach Yourself Ancient Greek (2003).pdf
Oneworld Publications The Wisdom of the Ancient Greeks (2002).pdf
Oxford University Press A Brief History of Ancient Greece, Politics Society and Culture (2004).pdf
Oxford University Press Aidos, The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature (1993) (no OCR).pdf
Oxford University Press Alternatives to Athens, Varieties of Political Organization and Community in Ancient Greece (2000).pdf
Oxford University Press Ancient Greek Accentuation, Synchronic Patterns Frequency Effects and Prehistory (2006).pdf
Oxford University Press Ancient Greek Ideas on Speech Language and Civilization (2003) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Oxford University Press Ancient Greek Music (1992).pdf
Oxford University Press Ancient Greek Scholarship (2007).pdf
Oxford University Press Ancient Greeks, Creating the Classical Tradition (1997).pdf
Oxford University Press Ancient Literacies, The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome (2009).pdf
Oxford University Press Ancient Worlds Modern Reflections, Philosophical Perspectives on Greek and Chinese Science and Culture (2004).pdf
Oxford University Press Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Greek Religion Judaism and Christianity 100 BC-200 AD (2008).pdf
Oxford University Press Athenaze, An Introduction to Ancient Greek 2nd Vol. 1 (2003) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Oxford University Press Athenaze, An Introduction to Ancient Greek 2nd Vol. 2 2003).pdf
Oxford University Press Books and Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome 2nd (1951) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Oxford University Press Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought (2001).pdf
Oxford University Press Caves and the Ancient Greek Mind, Descending Underground in the Search for Ultimate Truth (2009).pdf
Oxford University Press Everyday Life In Ancient Greece (1933) (no OCR).pdf
Oxford University Press Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer, A Linguistic Interpretation of the Origin of the Greek Alphabet and the Continuity of Ancient Greek Literacy (1997).pdf
Oxford University Press Hesperos, Studies in Ancient Greek Poetry Presented to M. L. West on his 70th Birthday (2007).pdf
Oxford University Press Lexicographica Graeca, Contributions to the Lexicography of Ancient Greek (1996).pdf
Oxford University Press Literacy and Paideia in Ancient Greece (1994).pdf
Oxford University Press Magika Hiera, Ancient Greek Magic and Religion (1991).pdf
Oxford University Press Olive Cultivation in Ancient Greece, Seeking the Ancient Economy (2007).pdf
Oxford University Press Oracles, Curses and Risk among the Ancient Greeks (2007).pdf
Oxford University Press Polis, An Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State (2006).pdf
Oxford University Press Sport and Recreation in Ancient Greece, A Sourcebook with Translations (1987).pdf
Oxford University Press The Ancient Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry Revisited, Plato and the Greek Literary Tradition (2001).pdf
Oxford University Press The Dance of the Muses, Choral Theory and Ancient Greek Poetics (2006).pdf
Oxford University Press The Future in Greek, From Ancient to Medieval (2009).pdf
Oxford University Press The Greek Theatre and Festivals, Documentary Studies (2007).pdf
Oxford University Press The Theatrical Cast of Athens, Interactions between Ancient Greek Drama and Society (2006).pdf
Oxford University Press Translation and Survival, The Greek Bible and the Ancient Jewish Diaspora (2009).pdf
Oxford University Press Water Management in Ancient Greek Cities (1993).pdf
Palgrave Macmillan The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece (2009).pdf
Penguin Publishing Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece (1996) (no OCR).pdf
Polity Press The Greeks and Us, A Comparative Anthropology of Ancient Greece (2007).pdf
Praeger Publishers Imagining Men, Ideals of Masculinity in Ancient Greek Culture (2008).pdf
Praeger Publishers Politics and Society in Ancient Greece (2008).pdf
Princeton University Press Exile Ostracism and Democracy, The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece (2005).pdf
Princeton University Press Gender and Immortality, Heroines in Ancient Greek Myth and Cult (1996).pdf
Princeton University Press The Symptom and the Subject, The Emergence of the Physical Body in Ancient Greece (2010).pdf
Routledge Press Ancient Greece, Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander the Great 3rd (2010).pdf
Routledge Press Ancient Greece, Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Socrates 2nd (2000).pdf
Routledge Press Ancient Greek Agriculture, An Introduction (1995).pdf
Routledge Press Ancient Greek Cults, A Guide (2007).pdf
Routledge Press Ancient Greek Laws, A Sourcebook (1998).pdf
Routledge Press Ancient Greek Literary Letters, Selections in Translation (2006).pdf
Routledge Press Dreams and History, The Interpretation of Dreams from Ancient Greece to Modern Psychoanalysis (2004).pdf
Routledge Press Economy and Economics of Ancient Greece (2007).pdf
Routledge Press Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists, The Greek Tradition and its Many Heirs (2008).pdf
Routledge Press Greece in the Making 1200-479 BC 2nd (2009).pdf
Routledge Press Greek and Roman Dress from A to Z (2007).pdf
Routledge Press Greek Magic, Ancient Medieval and Modern (2008).pdf
Routledge Press Greek Mysteries, The Archaeology and Ritual of Ancient Greek Secret Cults (2003).pdf
Routledge Press Greek Science of the Hellenistic Era, A Sourcebook (2002).pdf
Routledge Press Hellenistic and Roman Sparta, A Tale of Two Cities 2nd (2002).pdf
Routledge Press Hippocrates' Woman, Reading the Female Body in Ancient Greece (1998).pdf
Routledge Press Human Sacrifice in Ancient Greece (1991).pdf
Routledge Press Life and Letters in the Ancient Greek World (2009).pdf
Routledge Press Literary Texts and the Greek Historian (2000).pdf
Routledge Press Money Labour and Land, Approaches to the Economics of Ancient Greece (2002).pdf
Routledge Press Music in Ancient Greece and Rome (1999).pdf
Routledge Press Oedipus (2006).pdf
Routledge Press The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists, The Greek Tradition and its Many Heirs (2008).pdf
Routledge Press The Greek World (1995).pdf
Routledge Press The Greek World 479-323 BC 4th (2011).pdf
Routledge Press The Sacred and the Feminine in Ancient Greece (1998).pdf
Routledge Press War and Society in the Greek World (1993).pdf
Routledge Press Warfare in Ancient Greece, A Sourcebook (1996).pdf
Salem Press Ancient Greece (3 Vols) (2007).pdf
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Ancient Greek Philosophy (2007).pdf
Springer Publishing Heaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology, From Thales to Heraclides Ponticus (2011).pdf
Springer Publishing The Mythology of the Night Sky, An Amateur Astronomer's Guide to the Ancient Greek and Roman Legends (2011).pdf
State University of New York Press Classical Horizons, The Origins of Sociology in Ancient Greece (2003).pdf
State University of New York Press Eros and the Intoxications of Enlightenment, On Plato's Symposium (2010).pdf
State University of New York Press Erotic Wisdom, Philosophy and Intermediacy in Plato's Symposium (2008).pdf
State University of New York Press Sacred Geography of the Ancient Greeks, Astrological Symbolism in Art Architecture and Landscape (1994).pdf
Thames & Hudson Publishing Understanding Greek Sculpture, Ancient Meanings Modern Readings (1997) (no OCR).pdf
University of California Press Ancient Greek Epigrams, Major Poets in Verse Translation (2010).pdf
University of California Press Arete, Greek Sports from Ancient Sources 3rd (2004).pdf
University of California Press Citizen Bacchae, Women's Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece (2004).pdf
University of California Press Homo Necans, The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth (1983) (Scan, OCR).pdf
University of California Press Landscapes Gender and Ritual Space, The Ancient Greek Experience (2004).pdf
University of California Press Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007).pdf
University of California Press Sappho's Lyre, Archaic Lyric and Women Poets of Ancient Greece (1991).pdf
University of California Press The Revolutions of Wisdom, Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science (1989).pdf
University of California Press The Seer in Ancient Greece (2008).pdf
University of Chicago Press Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals (2009).pdf
University of Chicago Press Fear of Diversity, The Birth of Political Science in Ancient Greek Thought (1992) (no OCR).pdf
University of Chicago Press The Cult of Pan in Ancient Greece (1988).pdf
University of Chicago Press The Science of Man in Ancient Greece (2001) (no OCR).pdf
University of Michigan Press The Invention of Coinage and the Monetization of Ancient Greece (2004).pdf
University of Michigan Press The Staff of Oedipus, Transforming Disability in Ancient Greece (2003).pdf
University of Missouri Press The Shotgun Method, The Demography of the Ancient Greek City-State Culture (2006).pdf
University of Oklahoma Press Cavalry Operations in the Ancient Greek World (2002).pdf
University of Oklahoma Press Women Poets in Ancient Greece and Rome (2005).pdf
University of Texas Press Bodily Arts, Rhetoric and Athletics in Ancient Greece (2004).pdf
University of Texas Press Kinship Myth in Ancient Greece (2010).pdf
University of Wisconsin Press Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean 800 BC-200 AD (2011).pdf
Walter de Gruyter Publishing From Scholars to Scholia, Chapters in the History of Ancient Greek Scholarship (2011).pdf
Wiley The Ancient Greeks for Dummies (2008).pdf
Yale University Press Ancient Greece, From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times (2000).pdf
Yale University Press Ancient Greek Athletics (2004) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Yale University Press The Ship of State, Statecraft and Politics from Ancient Greece to Democratic America (2001).pdf
Zone Books Myth and Society in Ancient Greece (1990) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Zone Books Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece (1990) (Scan, OCR).pdf
فرمت کتاب: PDF
حجم فایل: 1740.8 مگابایت
تاریخ انتشار: 04:44 - 1395/12/26 | 2017.03.16
منبع: پی سی دانلود / www.p30download.ir
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