(1394/1/10) تغییرات:دوره آموزشی Excel 2013: Pivot Tables in Depth اضافه شد!
دوره آموزشی Excel 2013: Advanced Formulas and Functions اضافه شد!
دانلود دوره های آموزشی اکسل 2013
مایکروسافت اکسل (Microsoft Office Excel) دارای خصوصیات اصلی تمام نرمافزارهای صفحهگسترده است. با استفاده از جدولی متشکل از ردیفها و ستونها میتوان، دادهها و اطلاعات را سازماندهی و همچنین با استفاده از همین دادهها، به انجام محاسبات پرداخت و همچنین با استفاده از رسم توابع و نمودارها، به تجزیه و تحلیل آماری اطلاعات پرداخت. این برنامه برای محاسبات ریاضی (با قابلیت انجام محاسبات دشوار ریاضی) و ترسیم نمودار به وسیلهی ابزارهای
گرافیکی نیز به کار میرود.
در دوره های آموزشی Excel 2013 شما با قابلیت های اساسی و کلیدی این
نرم افزار کاربردی قدرتمند آشنا می شوید.
عناوین آموزشی Excel 2013 Essential Training:- اکسل چیست و چه کاربردی دارد؟
- استفاده از منوها
- کار با تاریخ و زمان
- ایجاد فرمول های ساده
- قالب بندی
فونت ها، اندازه سطر و ستون ها، مرزها و ..
- وارد کردن اشکال، فلش و
گرافیک- افزودن و حذف سطرها و ستون ها
- مخفی کردن داده ها
- کار با محتویات ستون ها از جمله جا بجایی، کپی و ..
- مرتب سازی و فیلتر کردن داده ها
- چاپ worksheet ها
- تامین امنیت workbooks شما
- پیگیری تغییرات
- و ...
عناوین آموزشی Advanced Formatting Techniques:- تنظیم فونت ها، Border ها و رنگ سلول ها
- تنظیم متون
- تعیین میزان تورفتگی اطلاعات
- تنظیم فرمت های خاص برای تاریخ، زمان، شماره تلفن، کد پستی و ...
- قالب بندی شرطی داده ها
- اعمال استایل ها و تم ها
- تعیین اندازه ارتفاع سطر و عرض ستون
- افزودن تصاویر پس زمینه
- خلاصه کردن مطالب و ایجاد کردن سرفصل
- چاپ اسناد
- و ...
عناوین آموزشی Data Validation in Depth:- تست اعداد کامل و اعداد اعشاری
- استفاده از جعبه پیام های ورودی
- تعیین توالی و قرار دادن لیست ها
- ایجاد لیست های multitiered
- تنظیم محدودیت های زمان و تاریخ
- محدود کردن طول متن
- قرار دادن قوانین اعتبار سنجی داده ها
- ورودی های لازم برای منحصربفرد بودن
- و ...
عناوین آموزشی Working with Dates and Times:- مرتب سازی بر حسب چند کلید
- فیلتر کردن ستون های منفرد و چندگانه
- ایجاد یک مرتب سازی لیست بر حسب درصد یا عدد
- تنظیم subtotals
- ایجاد فیلدهای چندگانه برحسب معیارهای فیلتر
- ایجاد لیست های منحصر به فرد (بدون تکرار داده ها)
- استفاده از دستور Remove Duplicates
- یافتن داده های تکراری با آرایه های ویژه
- شمارش تعداد آیتم های منحصر به فرد لیست
- استفاده از توابع SUMIF و COUNTIF
- کار با توابع پایگاه داده مانند DSUM و DMAX
- تبدیل لیست ها به جداول
- و ...
عناوین آموزشی Managing and Analyzing Data:- آشنایی با رکوردهای اکسل و زمان و تاریخ ذخیره شده
- نگاهی به گزینه های استاندارد تاریخ و زمان
- استفاده از توابع TODAY و NOW
- فرمت های تاریخ سفارشی
- استفاده از کلید های میانبر صفحه کلید
- فرمت بندی زمان برای 24 ساعت
- محاسبه تفاوت تاریخ و زمان
- محاسبه روز هفته
- کار با ایام تعطیل
- اعتبارسنجی تاریخ ها
- تبدیل تاریخ های فرمت شده به داده های قابل استفاده
- و ...
عناوین آموزشی Charts in Depth:- انتخاب نمودار صحیح
- انتخاب داده های صحیح برای نمایش در نمودار
- ایجاد سریع یک نمودار با ابزار Quick Analysis
- انتخاب یک طرح برای نمودار
- تغییر محل قرارگیری داده ها
- کار با سلول های هیدن (hidden cells) و یا خالی
- جابجایی و تغییر سایز نمودارها
- افزودن برچسب (label) اطلاعات
- تجزیه و تحلیل داده های موجود و داده های آینده با توجه به خطوط روند
- افزودن شکل و نماد های اشاره (مانند علامت فلش)
- کار با انواع نمودار های تخصصی: نمودار گانت، پارتو و فراوانی
- ایجاد نمودارها پویا
- چاپ و به اشتراک گذاری نمودارها
- و ...
دیگر دوره های آموزشی:- حذف داده ها ساختاردهی مجدد فایل های اکسل
- آنالیزهای مالی: معرفی آنالیز های تجاری
- آنالیزهای مالی:
تجزیه و تحلیل خط بالا به وسیله اکسل
- آنالیزهای مالی:
تجزیه و تحلیلخط آخر به وسیله اکسل
- تکنیک ها و ترفندهای اکسل 2013
- آموزش داده یابی (Data-Mining) در Excel
- ویژگی های Power BI
- تجزیه و تحلیل داده در اکسل: پیش بینی
- ایجاد Excel Power Pivot و Power View Dashboards
- ایجاد پایگاه داده در اکسل 2013
- کار با ماکروها در اکسل 2013
- آشنایی با PivotTable ها در اکسل 2013
- توابع و فرمول در اکسل 2013
- و ...
کلمات کلیدی: دانلود آموزش Excel 2013, آموزش جامع اکسل, آموزش تصویری Excel 2013, فیلم آموزشی اکسل, دانلود فیلم آموزشی ,
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در دوره های آموزشی Excel 2013 شما با قابلیت های اساسی و کلیدی این نرم افزار کاربردی قدرتمند آشنا می شوید. ,
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ای لرنینگ,
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فعفخقهشم مثشقدهدل فقشهدهدل,
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دانلود Lynda Excel 2013 Tutorial Series - دوره های آموزشی اکسل 2013
🎓 نام آموزش | Excel 2013 Tutorial Series |
📁 دسته بندی | اداری |
💾 حجم فایل | ~7400 مگابایت |
📅 تاریخ به روزرسانی | 1394/1/10 |
📊 تعداد دانلود | 333,840 |
❤️ هزینه دانلود | رایگان و نیم بها |
Excel 2013 Tutorial Series
Whether you're a novice or an expert wanting to refresh your skillset with Microsoft Excel, this course covers all the basics you need to start entering your data and building organized workbooks. Author Dennis Taylor teaches you how to enter and organize data, perform calculations with simple functions, work with multiple worksheets, format the appearance of your data, and build charts and PivotTables. Other lessons cover the powerful IF, VLOOKUP, and COUNTIF family of functions; the Goal Seek, Solver, and other data analysis tools; and how to automate many of these tasks with macros.
Topics include:
- What is Excel and what is it used for?
- Using the menus
- Working with dates and times
- Creating simple formulas
- Formatting fonts, row and column sizes, borders, and more
- Inserting shapes, arrows, and other graphics
- Adding and deleting rows and columns
- Hiding data
- Moving, copying, and pasting
- Sorting and filtering data
- Printing your worksheet
- Securing your workbooks
- Tracking changes
Excel 2013: Advanced Formatting Techniques:
Get simple, powerful tips for making spreadsheet information readable and understandable in Excel 2013. Dennis Taylor shows how to emphasize specific cells with fonts, borders, and color; adjust the positioning of cell contents; format numeric data; and add style and readability to worksheets. You'll also learn how to add pictures to worksheets and discover automation techniques that take the drudgery out of formatting even the largest amounts of data.
Topics include:
- Adjusting fonts, cell borders, and fills
- Aligning text
- Indenting data
- Setting special formats for dates, times, phone numbers, zip codes, and more
- Creating formats based on formulas with conditional formatting
- Applying styles and themes
- Adjusting row heights and column widths
- Adding background images and pictures
- Outlining data
- Printing double-spaced data
Excel 2013: Data Validation in Depth:
With Excel's data validation tools, you can control how users input data into workbooks and ensure data is entered consistently and accurately. You can control the dates, the times, even the length of the text they enter, or simply provide a list of acceptable choices to eliminate any possible mistakes. Here, Dennis Taylor explores how the data validation tools in Excel 2013 can be used to set dropdown lists, and control numeric data, dates and times, and text data.
Topics include:
- Testing for whole numbers and decimals
- Using the input message box
- Sequencing and placing lists
- Creating multitiered lists
- Setting date and time limitations
- Limiting text length
- Locating data validation rules
- Requiring entries to be unique
Excel 2013: Managing and Analyzing Data:
When you work with large amounts of data, you need tools to manage the sheer volume of information and get the most value from it. Enter Excel 2013. In this course, Dennis Taylor shows a variety of ways to use sorting to order your spreadsheets, insert subtotals into sorted lists, see just data you need with filtering, identify and delete duplicate data, and use the SUMIF and database functions to further analyze your data.
Topics include:
- Multiple key sorting
- Filtering single and multiple columns
- Creating a top-ten list with values or percentages
- Setting up subtotals
- Creating multiple-field criteria filters
- Creating unique lists from repeating field data
- Using the Remove Duplicates command
- Finding duplicate data with specialized arrays
- Counting the number of unique items in a list
- Using SUMIF and COUNTIF functions
- Working with the database functions such as DSUM and DMAX
- Converting lists to tables
Excel 2013: Working with Dates and Times:
Most Excel users incorporate dates and times in their spreadsheets, but getting them to show up the way you want can be difficult. Excel expert Dennis Taylor shares his solutions for formatting and calculating dates and times in Excel 2013. This one-hour course explains what's going on behind the scenes when Excel stores dates and times, gives tips for entering them, and teaches the options for date and time formatting. It also demonstrates the various date and time functions and shows how to calculate with dates and times in a range of scenarios.
Topics include:
- Understanding how Excel records and stores dates and times
- Looking at standard date and time entry options and acceptable alternatives
- Using the TODAY and NOW functions
- Customizing date formats
- Using keyboard shortcuts
- Formatting time for hours over 24
- Calculating differences across dates and times
- Calculating the day of the week
- Working with holidays
- Validating dates
- Converting formatted dates to usable data
Excel 2013: Charts in Depth:
Charts allow you to communicate information visually, in a way that's more impactful than raw data, and they happen to be one of the most powerful and easy-to-use features in Microsoft Excel. Let Dennis Taylor show you how to create different kinds of Excel charts, from column, bar, and line charts to exploded pies, and decide which type works best for your data. Plus, learn how to fine-tune your chart's color and style; add titles, labels, and legends; insert shapes, pictures, and text boxes; and pull data from multiple sources.
Topics include:
- Selecting the right chart type
- Choosing data to display as a chart
- Creating charts fast with the Quick Analysis tool
- Choosing a chart layout
- Changing the location of the source data
- Dealing with empty and hidden cells
- Moving and resizing charts
- Adding data labels
- Analyzing existing and future data with trendlines
- Adding shapes and arrows
- Working with column, bar, line, pie, and area charts
- Working with specialized chart types: Gantt, Pareto, and Frequency charts
- Creating dynamic charts
- Printing and sharing your chart
Cleaning Up Your Excel 2013 Data:
Need to get data from a business-management system file, database software, text file, or poorly designed Excel worksheet into optimal shape for Excel 2013? This course can help. Dennis Taylor explores the functions, commands, and techniques in Excel that restructure data, remove unwanted characters, convert data into the desired format, and prepare data for efficient analysis. He'll cover adjusting row and column placement; transposing data with Replace and Substitute functions, the Text to Columns command, and the new Flash Fill; and formatting and converting text, numbers, and other values.
Topics include:
- Moving or inserting rows and columns of data with a simple drag
- Transposing row-column layouts into column-row layouts
- Replacing data at the character level
- Dealing with special characters and wildcards during search and replace
- Converting dates with text functions
- Converting text data to values/numbers
- Checking and correcting spelling mistakes
- Splitting data into multiple columns via the Text to Columns feature
- Combining data from different columns via concatenation or Flash Fill
Financial Analysis: Introduction to Business Performance Analysis :
The goal of business performance analysis is to identify improvement opportunities, understand their root causes, and take action. These opportunities can come in many forms. They can be performance issues or areas of the business that perform extremely well and can be leveraged even further.
This course, the first in our Financial Analysis series, introduces you to key concepts of business performance analysis. Author Rudolph Rosenberg focuses on the analysis of the profit and loss (the P&L) statement and on the key dynamics you need to understand in order to interpret the performance of your business. Understanding this data will help you make informed decisions that benefit your company in the long run.
Get started now with this quick primer. When you're ready for the next steps, check out Financial Analysis: Analyzing the Top Line with Excel and Financial Analysis: Analyzing the Bottom Line with Excel.
Topics include:
- Introduction
- Business Performance Analysis
- Conclusion
Financial Analysis: Analyzing the Top Line with Excel:
Learn how to analyze the top line (or revenue) of your company and identify areas of under- or overperformance with Excel. Author Rudolph Rosenberg explores essential financial concepts that are necessary to understanding your company's revenue data. Then he introduces the tools and techniques you can use in Excel, including PivotTables and the invaluable SUMIF function, to prepare and analyze the data you have available. Plus, learn how to analyze your customer base, determine revenue per product, and identify upsell opportunities. Rudolph will also show how to make sure you're treating your data fairly, by considering the impact of seasonality, recurrent vs. one-off business, and interdependencies.
Want to learn more about financial analysis? Check out Financial Analysis: Introduction to Business Performance Analysis and Financial Analysis: Analyzing the Bottom Line with Excel.
Topics include:
- Preparing your revenue information
- Comparing past performance
- Analyzing customer data
- Analyzing product information
- Identifying exceptional revenue
Financial Analysis: Analyzing the Bottom Line with Excel:
Learn how to analyze the bottom line (or profitability) of your company and identify areas of under- or overperformance with Excel. Rudolph Rosenberg, author of the Financial Analysis series, shows how to use the data your company generates every day to break down your gross margin and operating expenses. He introduces the tools and techniques you can use in Excel to prepare and analyze that data, including PivotTables and the invaluable SUMIF function. Plus, you'll learn to identify and analyze sales and marketing spending, staff expenditures, and productivity separately, so you can get a really clear picture of your data from multiple angles.
Topics include:
- Finding data points
- Prepping data
- Calculating standard cost and gross margins
- Analyzing overall gross margin performance
- Analyzing individual and overall expenses
Excel 2013 Tips and Tricks:
Increase your Excel productivity with the power user tips and tricks packed into this fast-paced course. Dennis Taylor will show you how to create formulas quickly, split data into columns, apply formatting, build charts, and fast-track routine data-entry chores. Short on time? Make sure to check out the "Top Ten Shortcuts" and "Ten Tiny Tips" chapters for a quick productivity boost. Start now and get an immediate return on your investment, with powerful techniques that will save you hours every week.
Topics include:
- Converting formulas to values with a simple drag
- Entering today's date or time instantly
- Accessing Ribbon commands from the keyboard
- Creating split screens fast
- Navigating quickly
- Entering data more efficiently
- Performing calculations without formulas
- Applying formatting with keyboard shortcuts
- Using database techniques to work with Excel data
Excel Data-Mining Fundamentals:
You don't need to be a statistician to explore your own data. Learn how to use the software you already have, Excel, to perform basic data mining and analysis. Ron introduces core data-mining concepts like CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining), and then dives into the algorithms Microsoft offers for data mining right out of the box. Then learn about the data-mining structures and models in Excel SQL Server Analysis Services, and the new add-ins that make data mining in Excel both exceedingly powerful and incredibly easy.
Topics include:
- Solving business problems with data mining
- Exploring Excel's data-mining algorithms
- Data mining with Excel SQL Server Analysis Services
- Using the Data Preparation tab
- Detecting categories
- Using the Prediction Calculator
Power BI Features in Depth:
Learn how you can easily search, access, and analyze data inside and outside of your organization in just a few clicks with Power BI—the business intelligence features that lie inside Microsoft Office. Author Gini Courter walks you through two toolsets: the self-service BI tools that only require Excel, and Power BI, which relies on Office 365. Using the Power Query, Power Pivot, Power Map, and Power View tools in Excel 2013, you'll learn to connect to local and remote data sources, model that data, and present your findings in the form of tables, charts, maps, and reports. Then Gini switches to Power BI to enhance and share the queries and reports you just created. As you'll soon find in the course of these tutorials, Microsoft's BI tools allow you to use the software you already know and love to analyze and share complex business data.
Topics include:
- Understanding data analysis and business intelligence
- Installing Office BI add-ins
- Searching for online data with Power Query
- Shaping data in the Query Editor
- Connecting to data sources
- Modeling data with Power Pivot
- Enhancing PivotTables and PivotCharts with PowerPoint
- Visualizing geospatial data with Power Map
- Creating and formatting Power View reports
- Sharing your data using Power BI for Office 365
Excel Data Analysis: Forecasting:
Professor Wayne Winston has taught advanced forecasting techniques to Fortune 500 companies for more than twenty years. In this course, he shows how to use Excel's data-analysis tools—including charts, formulas, and functions—to create accurate and insightful forecasts. Learn how to display time-series data visually; make sure your forecasts are accurate, by computing for errors and bias; use trendlines to identify trends and outlier data; model growth; account for seasonality; and identify unknown variables, with multiple regression analysis. A series of practice challenges along the way helps you test your skills and compare your work to Wayne's solutions.
Topics include:
- Plotting and displaying time-series data
- Creating a moving average chart
- Accounting for errors and bias
- Using and interpreting trendlines
- Modeling exponential growth
- Calculating compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
- Analyzing the impact of seasonality
- Introducing the ratio-to-moving-average method
- Forecasting with multiple regression
Creating Excel Power Pivot and Power View Dashboards:
All it takes to point your business in the right direction are some strategic insights from your data. In this course, author Ron Davis uses the Power Pivot and Power View plugins to build robust dashboards for analyzing key metrics in Excel—all in just over an hour. First, learn some dashboard design guidelines—such as understanding your audience and identifying necessary metrics—before getting started. Then Ron walks you through importing data, setting up calculated fields and columns, creating key performance indicators (KPIs), and building the PivotTables and PivotCharts for the dashboards. Last, find out how to add charts and eye-catching visuals with Power View, in order to make your dashboards easily understood.
Topics include:
- Dashboard design guidelines
- Importing data
- Relating data
- Creating calculated fields and columns
- Creating KPIs
- Adding a linked table to the data model
- Creating PivotTables and PivotCharts
- Adding Power View visualizations
- Formatting with color
- Reviewing the completed dashboard
Setting Up a Database in Excel 2013:
Excel isn't just for flat files. You can use it to create a simple database and get even more insights into your data. Join author Dennis Taylor and learn how to create a simple database. The course explains the limits of Excel as a data-management tool and spells out the design considerations for creating a database with it. Dennis also shows how to simplify database creation with tables and manage data with the Form and Data Validation tools.
Topics include:
- Understanding database-design concerns like large lists
- Converting data into tables
- Working with formulas
- Using slicers to facilitate table filtering
- Using the Form tool to build and view data
- Using data validation to restrict data entries
Excel 2013: Macros in Depth:
Want to save time on routine tasks in Microsoft Excel? Macros are your answer. In this course, author Dennis Taylor explains how macros can be used to automate tasks in Excel, and how you can create simple macros of your own. Learn how to record a macro in stages, share macros between workbooks, set up keyboard shortcuts to run macros quickly, and use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to code macros that can't be recorded. The course wraps up with a macro project that brings together each of the elements in a real-world scenario: converting mailing list data into a database-friendly format.
Topics include:
- Understanding what macros can do for you
- Running macros
- Creating a Personal Macro Workbook
- Recording macros
- Creating nonrecordable VBA code
- Expanding a macro with statements
- Using absolute and relative references
- Testing a macro in Step mode
- Joining two macros
- Using loop structures
- Streamlining macros
Excel 2013: Pivot Tables in Depth:
Join Curt Frye as he explains how to leverage PivotTables to summarize, sort, count, and chart your data in Microsoft Excel. Curt shows you how to navigate the complexity of PivotTables while taking advantage of their power. This course shows how to build PivotTables from single or multiple data sources, add calculated fields, filter your results, and format your layout to make it more readable. Plus, learn how to enhance PivotTable with macros, DAX expressions, and the PowerPivot add-in for analyzing millions of rows of data.
Topics include:
- Creating a PivotTable
- Summarizing multiple data fields
- Managing subtotals and grand totals
- Grouping PivotTable fields
- Filtering with selections, rules, slicers, and search filters
- Applying PivotTable styles
- Formatting cells
- Creating PivotCharts
- Enabling PowerPivot
- Using DAX operators
- Visualizing data with matrices, cards, and tiles
- Building charts and maps
Excel 2013: Advanced Formulas and Functions:
Conquer some of the most daunting features in Microsoft Excel once and for all. In this 2013 update to his popular series, author Dennis Taylor demystifies some of the most challenging of the 300+ formulas and functions in Excel and shows how to put them to their best use. The course starts with a review of the more basic, building-block functions, and a few critical keyboard shortcuts that will speed up working with Excel data, even on multiple sheets. Dennis then covers how to perform advanced searching and data retrieval with Lookup functions, tabulate and sort data with counting and statistical functions, format data with text and math functions, and work with financial data using advanced formulas. Dennis focuses on practical examples that transition effortlessly to real-world scenarios.
Topics include:
- Displaying and highlighting formulas
- Converting formulas to values
- Creating 3D formulas to gather data from multiple sheets
- Understanding the hierarchy of operations in formulas
- Using absolute and relative references
- Creating and expanding the use of nested IF statements
- Looking up information with VLOOKUP, MATCH, and INDEX
- Using the power functions: COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF
- Analyzing data with the statistical functions
- Performing basic math
- Calculating dates and times
- Editing text with functions
- Checking for errors with formulas
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